Proofreading Services
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We Help Academics

The members of the Proof-Reading-Services.org team have earned their own degrees in a wide variety of disciplines and subject areas. They are well aware of what is involved in the writing, revising and examining process that leads to a successful publication or degree.

To avoid failure or rejection, send your work to PRS along with any guidelines that you are following, and one of our professional proofreaders will be happy to help you to succeed by checking and correcting your language, formatting, references and other elements of your writing.

We Build Lasting Relationships

All of our staff offer excellent customer service and prompt replies to proofreading inquiries. We are the largest proofreading service worldwide, covering all academic areas, including engineering, medicine, physical and biological sciences, social sciences, economics, law, management and the humanities.

The people behind our success are the most skilled and capable proofreaders. All our proofreaders are native English speakers and educated at least to master’s level (some hold a PhD), with extensive university teaching and examining experience.

Our very competitive prices are set at a fixed rate per thousand words (see Prices), and the price remains the same irrespective of the complexity of your work or the amount of corrections required, so you know exactly how much the proofreading of your document will cost in advance.



"My PRS proofreader did an excellent job correcting my work. He gave me many suggestions that helped strengthen my writing and gave me more confidence submitting my document. I am more than pleased with the results and would use them again!"

Aurelia Muller

"This is an amazing proofreading service. I desperately needed help to proofread my submission in the English language. My proofreader was kind, prompt and incredibly helpful, as I learned a lot from all of her comments."

Jenny Chang

"I really recommend the PRS proofreading services. The proofreaders are all highly educated professionals, they helped me to correct all the grammar errors and they gave me helpful advice to make my document more streamlined."

Natalie Elliot

"I am very impressed by the professional proofreading work done by the proofreader of my work. Great job and it was done well before the deadline I have given them. Very academic! Truly professional work done!"

Pedro Cuadros



PhD Thesis Proofreading

Our PhD thesis proofreaders specialise in improving grammar, sentence structure, citations, references, clarity, logical flow and readability.

Master’s Thesis Proofreading

To avoid failure and its consequences, send your thesis to our master’s thesis proofreading service.

Scientific Proofreading

Our scientific proofreaders specialise in correcting and perfecting the language, editorial styles and references across all science fields.


Allia Future Business Centre
The Guildhall
Market Square
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 20 31 500 431